Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Missing and More

Am I missing Taiwan? My dogs, of course, are always on my mind; I worry if they’re getting enough walks and attention, and hoping they’re not missing me too much, as it’ll be a while before I see them again. The weather here is perfect (when not cold), with clear blue skies almost every day and crisp, fresh air, so I’m not missing the bleak winter months over there. There are some people I’m missing, but I’m making friends here every day.

There are many things about Taiwan I don’t miss, of course, and a few situations. I’m happy that I’ve only encountered good people here so far. But I do miss something about the R.O.C. Not sure what it is. Not too seriously, mind, but I am looking forward to the familiarity of being ‘home’ again in April and seeing if I’ve been changed at all by my travels. But I suspect I’ll miss Guatemala when I leave, even though I’ve only been here two weeks. It’s a great environment, and very colourful, and I’m tempted to start a new life here. We’ll see. I’m also hoping to check out a new dog shelter in Mexico late March, and I had a great time there last time I visited our neighbouring country to the north, so who knows?

There’s a guy here fixing the electrics in the clinic, and he has taken it upon himself to get me practicing Spanish. So far we’ve discussed my travels, chinitas (beautiful Chinese girls) and muchachas (beautiful local girls), and beer. It look like he’s taking me to a local cantina to sample a few bottles of local beers in order to get the Spanish flowing; I just hope I’m back in time for early evening dog walks!

The Brits still haven’t arrived, but Kaful is on his way, I hear, which is great news! I’ll start working with the vicious retriever this evening, unless I do have a beer, in which case we’ll wait until tomorrow. This almost certainly means I’ll have some more stories to tell, so stay tuned.


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